This event is limited to ten (10) participants (not including trip leaders) and you must obtain a ticket through Eventbrite:
SJCA members will be given preference for the limited spaces.
Sue Killeen will lead this fantastic field trip to see numerous species of ducks and wading birds, scrub jays, hawks and eagles, and songbirds. Binoculars, scopes, and cameras are highly recommended.
This field trip is sure to be one of the highlights of the year! You may want to go down to Merritt Island the night before in order to be bright-eyed and ready to bird the first thing in the morning! If you want to meet us for dinner, contact Amy Koch,
Meet at the Publix in St. Johns Plaza (3275 Garden St.) in Titusville, FL, at 7:30 AM sharp.
We will discuss carpooling into the Refuge at the Publix parking lot, or will caravan. Our Covid protocols will apply to this event, so if you have a friend you have been “pod-ing” with, perhaps they will carpool with you (they will still have to obtain an Eventbrite ticket). We will have walkie-talkies as we drive from place to place within the Refuge to view birds.
Pack a lunch and plenty of water. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring bug spray and sunscreen in case you need it.
We may find a place for coffee/beer afterwards to recount our day before everyone heads home!
FEE: $5 per car for Wildpoint Drive
LOST?: Call 202-251 2017 (Amy)
We encourage you to consider joining the SJCA. You can join for as little as $15/year, which will can help us continue and expand our work. To join the SJCA, follow this link: