Join Duval Audubon Society for a socially distanced Forest Bathing Meditation on the Swamp Trail at our beautiful Crosby Sanctuary conservation property in Orange Park, Florida.
Please bring your own seating for the meditation, such as a folding chair or mat.
Areas will be designated on the swamp-facing trail for silent solitary meditation six to ten feet from other participants.
Please note: only the Swamp Trail will be open, as the rest of the sanctuary will be closed to visitors. This event is an opportunity for silent meditation only.
Free for current Audubon members, $5 suggested donation (cash only, please) at the gate for non-members. You must register here on Meetup to participate.
2p Check-in
2:15p Guided Standing Stretches
2:30-3:30p Forest Bathing Meditation (alone & in silence)
3:30-4p Guided Standing Stretches & Exit
Learn more about the benefits of Forest Bathing at these links:
Guided Meditation Audio:
How to Meditate Outdoors:
TIME Forest Bathing article:
NPR Forest Bathing article:
Forest Bathing Good for Health article:
COVID-19 NOTE: Please DO NOT ATTEND if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or experienced any of the following symptoms within the last 14 days:
– A new fever
– A new cough that is not because of another illness
– A new shortness of breath that is not because of another illness
– A new sore throat that is not because of another illness
– Sore muscles not because of existing illness, or not from exercise or injury
– Diagnosis of an infection
– Exposure to someone known to be infected
– Someone you are closely associated with experiencing any of the above symptoms.
– You are currently experiencing unmanaged seasonal allergy symptoms (e.g., persistent cough, sneezing).