Little Big Econ State Forest: Kilbee Tract

SR 46, Geneva, 32732
(407) 971-3500
Daily, sunrise to sunset


The second birding spot in the Little Big Econ State Forest is the 1,646-acre Kilbee Tract, which abuts the St. Johns River. Drive part-way into the property on Road 1, and then hike southeast on the entrance road for approximately 1 mile to the end. The walk to the river is in full sun, so plan accordingly. Here, where the floodplain opens, you’ll have a view of the river and its wildlife. Look for Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Least Bittern, and wintering American White Pelicans. Shorebirds such as Black-necked Stilt, Pectoral Sandpiper and Long-billed Dowitcher have been recorded during fall migration. You can also scan from the boat launch at the SR 46 bridge for waterbirds and raptors; Crested Caracara has been recorded. Seasonal hunting occurs on the Kilbee Tract; please click here for more information.

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