4500 Dallas Blvd, Orlando, 32833
(386) 329-4404
Daily, sunrise to sunset
This site includes several miles of the Econlockhatchee River (and its tributaries and canals), plus flatwoods, wet prairie, hardwood hammock and freshwater swamp. The site is managed for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (RCWs); look for white-painted cavity trees on the red, yellow, and green loop trails. Other resident flatwoods species include Northern Bobwhite, Hairy and Red-headed Woodpeckers, Brown-headed Nuthatches and Bachman’s Sparrows. Limpkin, Sandhill Crane, Merlin, Short-tailed Hawk, White-tailed Kite, Crested Caracara, Swallow-tailed Kite and Painted Bunting have all been recorded. Eastern Bluebirds are common along the powerline crossings, and over 20 species of wood-warbler have been spotted; spring and fall is best for warblers. In January 2007, Florida’s first Hammond’s Flycatcher (rare) was found at the preserve. Three primitive camping areas and 16+ miles of multi-use loop trails are available (some may be flooded at times). Consider backpacking or biking to explore this vast territory; a trail map is available at the entrance kiosk. The preserve is renowned for its rare plants, and also offers great butterfly viewing; rarities such as Little Metalmark, Florida Dusted Skipper and Eastern Wood Nymph on the preserve checklist.