It’s for the birds! During this event, families and young folks will be looking for the birds, to be precise, they will be taking part in the second Birding4Kids in Lake County.
Bird watching is one of the fastest growing outdoor activities—enjoyed by young and old. But if you aren’t a birder, how do you get started?
Under the guidance of expert birders, participants will learn about this fun outdoor activity and the importance of birds to our ecosystems. The idea is simple—birding teams travel to different locations, see how many birds they can find and return to TLNC to identify their birds and share their findings. They will learn to use smart phones, binoculars and spotting scopes to find and identify birds.
Birding can be done in nature centers, natural areas, and even, your backyard and neighborhoods. Come learn how to bird!
For more information on this program, email or call 352-357-7536. Note: Children must be accompanied by an adult unless high school age. This activity is not appropriate for very young children.
Where: Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 East CR 44, Eustis
Cost: $5 includes lunch. Go to to register.
Who: Kids who want to learn to bird or learn about birds
What to bring and wear: Dress for the outdoors in February (hat, sunscreen, bug spray, and small fanny or back pack)
It is suggested to bring a cell phone capable of taking photos if you own one, and/or binoculars (some loaner binoculars will be available).