2400 Huntington Ave., Scottsmoor, 32754
(321) 264-5105
Daily, sunrise to sunset
Located in the northernmost part of the county, this 3.05-acre community river park accesses the Indian River Lagoon. Bring your spotting scope in winter to view water birds like Hooded Merganser, Lesser Scaup, Northern Shoveler, Common Loon, and Horned Grebe. Search for shorebirds like American Oystercatcher, Wilson’s Snipe, Semipalmated Plover and Western Sandpiper and wading birds such as Reddish Egret, Roseate Spoonbill and Snowy Egret. Watch for Northern Harrier prowling the black needle rush marsh and Bald Eagles soaring overhead. Clapper Rails skulk in the tall reeds; Marsh Wren, Sedge Wren and Swamp Sparrow can be found here as well. Check the flocks of wintering gulls (mostly Ring-billed and Laughing) for Bonaparte’s and Great Black-backed Gulls. Painted Buntings can be found along the road edges as well as Common Ground-Doves and wintering sparrows.